Thank you to everyone who advocated for children and raised funds through the Bethany Virtual Walk Run!
Together, we raised over $48,000.
Curious about more ways to make an impact in kids' lives? Learn about hosting, foster care, adoption and more at
During the COVID-19 pandemic, kids in our area are becoming even more vulnerable. With parents facing increased stress and anxiety, children face a greater risk for neglect and abuse.
No matter where you are right now, you can help protect kids in need.
Join The Bethany Virtual Walk Run to let kids in PA, NJ, and DE know they’re not alone. #BethanyWalkRun
The Bethany Virtual Walk Run raises funds for critical services that strengthen families, help kids heal from trauma, and empower teens.
announcing the change to virtual
allen, fundraising events coordinator
You're protecting kids in your home state.
Together, we're caring for vulnerable children in our communities. (Click here to read some local stories of kids whose lives have been changed.)
When you sign up for your state's event and secure sponsorships, 100% of the funds you raise will help protect kids in your area, whether that's Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or Delaware.
Together, we're caring for vulnerable children in our communities. (Click here to read some local stories of kids whose lives have been changed.)
When you sign up for your state's event and secure sponsorships, 100% of the funds you raise will help protect kids in your area, whether that's Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or Delaware.
become a corporate sponsorThere are many opportunities for your business and employees to join in on the fun and make an impact through The Bethany Virtual Walk Run!
Bethany optimizes your sponsorship visibility and has levels ranging from Presenting Sponsorship to gift in kind donations. The wide range of opportunities including advertisements in Bethany's Local Guide, featured spots in our partner highlight email, logo placement in communications, and more! Create a company team and promote health and wellness while making an impact for a great cause. Learn more today by contacting Allen at (215) 376-6162 or by email at [email protected]. Get the full sponsorship packet here:
40 years of Protecting ChildrenBethany has been protecting vulnerable children and their families in the Greater Delaware Valley for 40 years. Bethany provides foster care, adoption services, pregnancy counseling, trauma-informed post-adoption counseling, refugee foster care, and Safe Families for Children. Learn more about Bethany and its impact.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Bethany relies on fundraising for approximately 20% of its annual revenue in order to serve more children every year. |
Bethany's 2019 Walk and 5K Run Major Corporate Sponsors
Dock Mennonite Academy | Columbia Bank | ISC Mount Laurel | Wegmans
Rutter Roofing | Cyclebar-Abington | Gibson Electrical & General Contractors, Inc.
Rutter Roofing | Cyclebar-Abington | Gibson Electrical & General Contractors, Inc.
Bethany Christian Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-exempt to the fullest extent allowed by federal law;
Bethany Greater Delaware Valley Branch’s EIN #31-1196722.
Bethany Greater Delaware Valley Branch’s EIN #31-1196722.